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他呼嘯而過,摩天大樓的形影隨之融化,消散在背後的虛無中。汽車在 Eurtec 的迷宮中蜿蜒穿行,霓虹燈先是變得模糊,然後再向後飛逝而去。隨著引擎推動的更猛更快,來榨取再多一點速度,它也發出了嘯叫聲。地平線不再存在。法律不再存在。都市不再存在。只剩下 Dragon 以及道路。


在車廂內,速度將他的雙眼推向眼窩。當 G 力像卡車一樣撞擊他時,他的器官尖叫以示抗議。他的心臟奮力將血液泵往全身,而他的手死死握著碳纖維方向盤。在後照鏡上的毛絨骰子往後擺盪,和顫抖著的金屬車頂保持水平。他咬緊牙關,口裡嚐到銅的味道。

他往左急轉彎,在千鈞一髮之際躲過了變成大型企業塔樓上的一團漿糊的命運。街道向左、向左和上合流直到變成入口匝道。即使在三位數的時速下,他也花了整整 30 秒的時間衝上斜坡。 Dragon 變成了天際線的金色彗星。


公路的這層近乎淨空,不像它上方的高速公路一樣繁忙。這裡唯一一輛其他汽車是銀色的Promethean Q19,它的車身很低,使它融入了街道。它像是捕蠅紙上的蒼蠅一樣緊緊貼在路面,沿著巨型公路的曲線滑行。在它純粹用於裝飾的車牌上標著 "NAGA"。


Dragon 一邊吼叫一邊將車的時速又提高了幾百英里,直到與另一台車平齊。他抵抗巨大的壓力,把頭往右轉向那伽的車廂,向內望去。黑色車窗上的倒影回瞪著他。

他猛然回頭看著道路。兩台車並駕齊驅。雙方的引擎都在加快轉速,迫不及待想要暴衝。 他伸長脖子俯視著自己的儀表板。Eurtec 市在地平線的遠端閃爍著光芒。比賽準備好了。起跑線已經畫下。第一名的獎勵是在獲得在 Eurtec 中無與倫比的影響力,而第二名得到的是死亡。贏者全拿。




Dragon 不喜歡被搶鋒頭。他的車子發出怒號,向後噴射出過熱氣體。底盤上的約束螺栓旋開,脫落,彈入背景。它的功率輸出加倍,車廂因增加能量而嗡嗡作響。它是頭憤怒的公牛,等待著什麼東西來讓它釋放力量。


Dragon 在剎那間偏離了方向,然後又往反方向拉了回來。兩台車緊貼在一起,試圖將另一台撞開。那伽 先行退避,稍稍地落在 Dragon 的後面。他做了鬼臉,幹練地催出另一波速度。此刻, Dragon 正以每小時 230 英里的速度前進。他才剛剛開始。他的眼角餘光看見那伽突然消失了。

然後它又重新出現,就在他前方的六十英尺處。Then it reappears, sixty feet in front of him. It's a power play; sixty feet are nothing in this race. Whoever's inside Naga is showing off.

His instrument panel goes into a frenzy, dozens of blinking bulbs and digital readouts telling him about an unfamiliar energy readout coming from Naga's exhaust. He guns the engine to 250 and pulls up behind the silver haze until Dragon's hood is a foot away from Naga's bumper. He can see the Foundation seal screwed to the metal. Then he jerks hard to the left and pulls up to its side. The cars are even again, but both are worse for wear. Dragon is a Danforth Model 99. Its mods to let it run races like this are the best of the best, but even they can't hold up against a customized demon like Naga. And for that matter, Naga isn't designed for aggressive gung-ho manuevers like the psychopath inside seems to be intent on. It'll be a miracle if both make it to the finish line.

Then the megahighway ends and both cars fly into the abyss.


Dragon recovers first. Its tires twist inward and the jet engine ratchets into position, igniting and vomiting out flames. A digital readout screams at him: DANGER! CURRENT SPEED ABOVE SAFE LIMIT! He checks "Do not show me this notification again." and dismisses it. His side camera alert him; Naga has also transformed.

The water below the pair explodes into white as they skim the lake surface. Countless cars have met their doom in the water below. Dragon will not be one of them.

Naga advances, pulling up closer and closer to Dragon as they both speed toward the shimmering lights of the city. Getting rammed mid-air will definitely kill at least one driver. It's time to end this. He slams the button on his dash and twists the lever.

The smoke from Dragon's jet engine instantly changes. It takes on a golden hue, and coalesces, tightening into a serpentine winding form. The column of gas grows appendages, tail, hair, a head, and then it snaps and solidifies. A doppelganger of an ancient Chinese dragon. The Golden Lóng is in play. His ace in the hole.

It floats lazily above the car, ignoring the bone-shattering speed. Then it twists upright in the air and swims over to Naga. The car doesn't so much as twitch. The Lóng settles on the hood, arraying its serpentine body over the car in coils. Then it takes aim and bites into the engine block.

The CRACK is audible even over the roaring of the cars. The Lóng's shimmering pupils narrow and focus on the silvery object in its mouth. It's a writhing iridescent —

Naga's hood shatters as the thing erupts out of it. It's a snake-like thing, coiling on the hood and baring its fangs at Lóng. So this is Naga's counterpart — Basilisk.

Lóng leaps the gap between Naga and Dragon, settling on the roof. The two serpents hiss at each other, daring the other to charge. The cars are even as they shoot toward Eurtec, vaporizing water below them. He prioritizes — winning comes first. Surviving is secondary.


Dragon veers and slams into Naga, who shudders from the impact and compensates by pulling away. It's the split-second distraction Lóng needs to jump back aboard Naga, flecking acidic spittle at Basilisk. The serpents circle each other on top of the roof, silver against gold.

The button calls to him. The plastic safety box is all that keeps him from slamming it now. Not yet. Wait for it.

Lóng lunges first, straight for Basilisk's throat. It pulls backward and counters, trying to get behind Lóng. He responds by clamping his jaws around the quicksilver tail. The howl of pain sounds like metal tearing. The pair grapple and wrestle, curling into a coiling ball of energy. Then Lóng forces Basilisk's jaw open and slams its head into Naga's jet engine. Naga veers crazily, jerking backward to throw off Lóng but never slowing down.


He flips the safety box and punches the gleaming red button.

Dragon's roof pops off with a hiss of steam and falls away. He doesn't hear it hit the water.

The rear bumper follows the roof. Then go the side rails, trims, the counterweights, the drivespike, sheets and sheets of metal.

In seconds, Dragon is a the skeleton of a car riding the ramjets into oblivion. But even with all the excess weight shed, it only pulls a few feet forward.

It's all he needs.

Dragon settles twenty feet ahead of Naga when Basilisk tears itself out of the flames and throws Lóng off. Instantly, Naga recovers and straightens its course.

Dragon pulls directly in front of it and slams its brakes. Naga, caught off guard, does the same, and for a nanosecond both cars are hood-to-hood. Then Dragon reignites its engines and what's left of Naga's hood bursts into flames. Pipes in the engine block expand and contract and fluids evaporate under the massive temperature. On the roof, Basilisk lifts up Lóng before throwing it at Dragon's ramjet.

It didn't realize it was being pulled along until it was inside the flames. Lóng twists upward and kicks off from Basilisk, pushing it farther into the flames and landing on Dragon's roof as Naga's engine dies with a sputter.

The shrieks coming from the fire suddenly stop as the flames go silver. Dragon twitches. Then its speed quadruples, leaving Naga's half-melted corpse in the dust. In two seconds, it crests 850 MPH and shatters the sound barrier.


The street is free of cars, but screaming fans and bookies press against the security fences. The announcers box at the end is in a frenzy.

"Charlie, this has gotta be one of, no, the greatest matchup in the last two years. We've got camera evidence - that's right, Naga, the Demon of Eurtec, the Foundation Flyer, the Circuit Emperor, has crashed! Can you believe this?"

"All I can believe is that whoever brought down the Serpent is either a psychopath or nowhere near human, or both. Can we get a replay of th— yeah, look at that! Its avatar - looks like a dragon or something - feeds Basilisk into the jet engine as a boost. I didn't even know that was possible! I tell you, this is the greatest upset in- oh f*** here he comes!"

A golden blur rockets down the empty street, flanked by frenzied racefans. It shoots through one, two, three, four, all sixteen stop gates one after another, and hits the street. It doesn't stop.

Sparks fly as the frame of the Dragon skids down the asphalt carbon road for a full mile, leaving scorched black tarmac in its wake. It comes to a rest a few feet in front of the announcers box.

He steps out of the car, black and gold racesuit marred by fire damage. An equally damaged helmet obscures his face. Lóng wraps around him, raising one of its legs into the air, holding something.

Naga's Foundation bumper seal. Lóng crushes it in its fist, letting the silver dust rain down.

He speaks.

"Keep the fucking pigs out of the races."

The street explodes.

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